Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)*
Occupation (if student, please state your school and major, if applicable)*
Marital Status:
Which service are you interested in?*
We are asking that our musicians be available to play for both services if and when the need arises. Would you be willing to do so? If no, why or why not?*
How long have you been attending Millbrook?*
Musical History/Experience:*
What is your primary instrument? (voice, guitar, drums, etc.) List any additional instruments you play.*
What are you currently doing musically?*
Musically, who do you admire and/or emulate in your playing/singing?*
What is/are your favorite worship song(s)?*
Musical Strengths:*
Musical Weaknesses:*
General strengths and weaknesses:*
List any weeknights that you are frequently unavailable due to work, school, prior commitments, etc.*
If you know your vocal range, please indicate:*
If you are an instrumentalist, what instruments/gear do you own/use?
Do you: (select all that apply)*
In addition to Worship Arts, are you interested in any other volunteer areas/opportunities?*
Are you currently serving at Millbrook? If so, what team(s)?*
Have you been water-baptized?*
Before coming to Millbrook, where were you attending church? For how long? What was your involvement?*
Do you currently attend and/or play or sing at any other churches? If so, where?*
How did you find out about auditions? (i.e. you spoke with Logan Crane or you know so & so on our team, or you asked someone at the Connection Center, etc.) If someone referred you, who?*
Please list 3 References (name, phone #, email) - Friend, co-worker, pastor, etc. (not relatives) & please state their relationship to you:*

At Millbrook, it is an honor to serve in any manner, as we represent Christ and are extensions of Millbrook. While we believe God loves all people, and that His grace is offered to everyone regardless of his or her current lifestyle, we want those who help lead our congregation to model the highest lifestyle standards as reflected in Scripture. We believe Scripture establishes God's requirements for leaders and that we will be held accountable for those we approve to lead our congregation.

Therefore, if you are a participant in any of the following lifestyles, we ask that you not apply to serve or lead in the Millbrook Worship Arts ministry:

- Engaged in a sexual relationship outside of marriage
- Participate in a homosexual relationship
- Engaged in an extramarital affair
- Excessive alcohol use
- Illegal drug use

If you have concerns, questions or feel that the guidelines above disqualify you from serving, please contact our staff team and we will be glad to talk with you.

Have you ever pled guilty to or been convicted of a felony?*

*** I give Millbrook Baptist Church the right to investigate all references, concerning my eligibility for involvement. I hereby release Millbrook Baptist Church and its representatives from liability for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing such information. I also affirm that all of the responses above are true, and I am not involved in a lifestyle contrary to the values of the Bible and Millbrook Baptist Church. ***

Electronic Signature:*